- Bezlya Bionic2.2 - 161cm Cyrtenthera
FREE!! PRO Makeup Upgrade!
FREE!! Articulated Fingers!
FREE!! EVO Skeleton!
FREE!! Gel Breast!
FREE!! Weight Reduction!
FREE!! Movable Jaw + Realistic Mouth!
(if the Model Support)
Head Upgrade
(+$450) Deep Throat Oral Pathway + Movable Jaw
(+$400) Implanted Real Hair
(+$250) PRO+ Makeup
(+$50) Custom Design Eyes
Body Upgrade
(+$250) Water Circulation Body Heat System
(+$120) Vagina Mucosa (Included in 2.0)
(+$50) Pubic Hair
FREE Spinning Fist (Free Gift from Us)
(+$400) Articulated Toes
(+$120) Hard Hand
(+$120) Hard Feet (Standing Feet Without Bolt)
(+$120) Moaning system
Extra Sets
(+$400) Celebrity Silicone Head (ONLY with Dolls)
(+$500) Extra Silicone Head + PRO Makeup
(+$15) Extra Eyes
(+$15) Extra Wig
I WILL CONTACT YOU about your choice of the Basic Customization for the dolls & the Payment for any Additional Add-ons after you paid the Check Out Price
(Basic Customization is FREE)
FREE!! PRO Makeup Upgrade!
FREE!! Articulated Fingers!
FREE!! EVO Skeleton!
FREE!! Gel Breast!
FREE!! Weight Reduction!
FREE!! Movable Jaw + Realistic Mouth!
(if the Model Support)
Head Upgrade
(+$450) Deep Throat Oral Pathway + Movable Jaw
(+$400) Implanted Real Hair
(+$250) PRO+ Makeup
(+$50) Custom Design Eyes
Body Upgrade
(+$250) Water Circulation Body Heat System
(+$120) Vagina Mucosa (Included in 2.0)
(+$50) Pubic Hair
FREE Spinning Fist (Free Gift from Us)
(+$400) Articulated Toes
(+$120) Hard Hand
(+$120) Hard Feet (Standing Feet Without Bolt)
(+$120) Moaning system
Extra Sets
(+$400) Celebrity Silicone Head (ONLY with Dolls)
(+$500) Extra Silicone Head + PRO Makeup
(+$15) Extra Eyes
(+$15) Extra Wig
I WILL CONTACT YOU about your choice of the Basic Customization for the dolls & the Payment for any Additional Add-ons after you paid the Check Out Price
(Basic Customization is FREE)
FREE!! PRO Makeup Upgrade!
FREE!! Articulated Fingers!
FREE!! EVO Skeleton!
FREE!! Gel Breast!
FREE!! Weight Reduction!
FREE!! Movable Jaw + Realistic Mouth!
(if the Model Support)
Head Upgrade
(+$450) Deep Throat Oral Pathway + Movable Jaw
(+$400) Implanted Real Hair
(+$250) PRO+ Makeup
(+$50) Custom Design Eyes
Body Upgrade
(+$250) Water Circulation Body Heat System
(+$120) Vagina Mucosa (Included in 2.0)
(+$50) Pubic Hair
FREE Spinning Fist (Free Gift from Us)
(+$400) Articulated Toes
(+$120) Hard Hand
(+$120) Hard Feet (Standing Feet Without Bolt)
(+$120) Moaning system
Extra Sets
(+$400) Celebrity Silicone Head (ONLY with Dolls)
(+$500) Extra Silicone Head + PRO Makeup
(+$15) Extra Eyes
(+$15) Extra Wig
I WILL CONTACT YOU about your choice of the Basic Customization for the dolls & the Payment for any Additional Add-ons after you paid the Check Out Price
(Basic Customization is FREE)